Do you know how much you make in income each month? What about the actual amount of your monthly expenses? You may have an idea of your monthly income and expenses but, do you know this figure exactly? Chances are you don’t. Although you may not think it important, there are numerous benefits of knowing your monthly or yearly income and expenses.
Are you trying to save money or create a budget? Knowing the actual amount of your monthly income and expenses is critical to reaching your financial goal and creating a successful budget. The following is a breakdown of how to accurately calculate the actual amount of your monthly income and expenses.
When you hear the term “loan shark” what image comes to mind? Perhaps you envision some ruthless mob boss or a shady character in a dimly lit bar.
Loan sharks don’t have a good reputation. They lend money at astronomical interest rates, plus there’s the potential for bodily harm if you don’t repay the debt on time. Adulting is hard. There’s work, paying bills, and all the other responsibilities that come along with being a productive member of society. Nothing’s more tedious and time consuming about being an adult than keeping track of your personal finances.
Some people are naturally organized. They are able to keep track of payments and other important information with no problem. However, many of us fail to maintain an organized account of our personal finances. If the latter sounds like you, we’ve compiled a list of five steps to get your personal finances organized. |
February 2022
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